Of the seven sacraments, Baptism is the first. Baptism is the sacrament through which we are reborn and enter the Kingdom of God (Jn 3:5). Baptism has a Biblical basis (Mt. 28:19). Through Baptism sin is forgiven (Acts 2:8). Cleansing and blessing is attained through Baptism (1pet. 3:21; Tit. 3:5). Baptism means to be born again from the Holy Spirit. Our Lord Jesus Christ founded baptism. At the time when Jesus Christ was to be baptized, heaven was opened, and the mystery revealed (John 3:3) (Mathews 3:16). By accepting this truth, our Church baptizes people in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holly Spirit in order to make them Children of Jesus Christ. In the book of Mathew, Jesus Christ told his disciples to go and baptize all the people in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holly Spirit and make them his disciples (Mathew 28:19). For this reason, the Church baptizes everyone and makes him or her true Child of God. Boys have to be baptized on the 40th day of their birth while girls have to be baptized on the 80th day (Leviticus 12).